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Our Program

Our "Common Subjects" are those enriching subjects that can be enjoyed by children of all ages together. Our program of riches is provided by the Charlotte Mason Educational Center (CMEC), which offers a wonderful resource for implementing our curriculum. Families do not have to be members of CMEC to participate.

Hymn Study

Mason says, "Praise and thanksgiving come freely from the young heart; gladness is natural and holy, and music is a delight." Many spiritual and theological truths are taught through hymns. We will learn one new hymn each month as well as learn about the hymn writers and their inspiration.

Artist Study

Mason says, "We aim at putting the children in touch with the great artist minds of all ages." The hallways of imagination should filled with beautiful galleries of art. Each term we will study one artist and six paintings. 


Known as "the children's art," recitation offers the opportunity to hide beautiful, living ideas in one's heart and mind. Together we will learn and recite a new poetry and scripture selection each month. Children will also be invited to share a personally selected recitation with the group if they would like.

Folk Songs & Dancing

Folksongs truly are the "people's music." They tell stories of the past often with lively tune, while some are more melancholy. Folksongs offer a rich cultural tradition passed through generations. We will learn one new folksong each month and add some folk dancing to get our bodies moving!

Composer Study

The work of the great composers not only stirs our emotions, but also presents living ideas—ideas that in some cases cannot be adequately expressed in words. Each term we will study one composer and six pieces. 

 Art & Drawing

Art instruction in chalk drawing, clay modeling and brush drawing will allow children to work from a model in nature, then from memory and finally using their imagination. Each term, we will focus on a new medium. Children will also have opportunity to draw and paint the artist study selections. 


1. Is there a cost to join the co-op?

There is a $30 fee per family. Some supplies will need to be purchased separately for art instruction. There will also be an opportunity to purchase art prints and the family book each term, which includes all the content of the riches selections.

2. When and Where do we meet?

Meetings are on Wednesdays at 1 - 3 p.m. from September 2023 to May 2024. We meet at a regional park in the north west part of Orange County. The hope is for families to spend the "golden hours" in community after morning lessons.

3. Is every mother required to teach?

No. All subjects are led by mothers and if you have a heart to lead short lessons, we'd love to have you! You can expect to help your children as we move through the lessons. Mothers may have the opportunity to serve in other capacities and in the spirit of being a co-op our posture is for mothers to have a heart and readiness to give when called upon. This may be a season of rest and we want you to feel like you can also come and simply receive and be blessed. With that in mind, what unique passions and gifting can you bring to the community?

4. Are there requirements for families?

Families most suited for this co-op are those implementing or seeking to implement a Charlotte Mason education. All subjects will be led using the methods and practices of Mason as provided in the curriculum guide. To cultivate a family atmosphere, mothers are asked to partake in the riches and lessons alongside children and to supervise them as needed. Our time will include lots of free play as well as attentiveness during lessons and enrichment. 


5. How can I join?

Our hope is that all families who would like to join will be able to! Apply now to share about you and your family and join us for an information night. You'll also be added to our weekly email list to keep apprised of our co-op news and updates.

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